supastarter for Next.jsAPI


Learn how to use the API layer of your supastarter application.

supastarter is designed to be a scalable and production-ready fullstack starter kit. One of the core features is a dedicated and extendable API layer. To enable this in a type-safe manner, we chose Hono as the API server and their RPC client in combination with Tanstack Query to query the API.

Why Hono

Hono is a modern and minimalistic web framework for TypeScript and JavaScript. It is designed to be simple, fast and easy to use. It is also designed to be very flexible and easy to extend. You can deploy it almost anywhere and use it in a type-safe manner with the Hono RPC client. It is also capable of generating an OpenAPI documenation automatically for you API.

All API logic is defined in the /packages/api/ package.

Learn more about the API in these different guides:

On this page

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