Welcome to the supastarter for Next.js documentation. This is the place to get started with the starter kit, learn about the structure, its features and how to use it.
What is supastarter?
supastarter is a fullstack starter kit that helps you build production-ready and scalable web applications faster. It comes with the most common features you need to build a SaaS and embodies best practices and a solid foundation for large applications.
supastarter is highly configurable and customizable. You have full control over every aspect of the application and the ability to style every part of the UI, so you can make it look and feel exactly how you want.
Learn more about how to configure your application in the configuration section.
This is just a quick overview of the features and pages included in supastarter. You can learn all about the included features in the features section. To find out about how to use them, head to the according documentation pages.