supastarter for Next.jsRecipes

Supabase setup

Learn how to set up your supastarter app with Supabase as the database and storage provider.

In this guide we show you how you can easily set up your supastarter application with Supabase.

We will use Supabase as the database and storage provider. The authencation feature of Supabase is not supported with supastarter as we use better-auth for authentication, which will directly store the user data in your database.

Before we start, make sure you have a Supabase account. If you don't have one yet, you can create one for free at

1. Create a new Supabase project

Create a new Supabase project

2. Get connection strings

In the supabase dashboard, click the Connect button in the top row. Select the ORM tab and Prisma as the tool.

Supabase connection string

We will need both the DATABASE_URL and the DIRECT_URL.

3. Create a new supastarter project

As described in the supastarter documentation, you can create a new supastarter project by running the following command:

npx supastarter new

In the CLI wizard, you will be asked for the database connection string. Paste the value of the DIRECT_URL from step 2. Make sure to replace the password placeholder in the connection string with the one you created in step 1.

4. Set environment variables

After your project has been created, open the .env.local file and set the environment variables as follows:

# The DATABASE_URL from step 1
# The DIRECT_URL from step 1

Make sure to replace the password and project ref placeholders with your own values.

Next we need to add the migration connection to the packages/database/prisma/schema.prisma file. Add the following line to the top of the file:

datasource db {
  provider  = "postgresql"
  url       = env("DATABASE_URL")
  directUrl = env("DIRECT_URL")

5. Run migrations

To push the database schema to Supabase, run the following command in the project root:

pnpm --filter database push

After the migrations are run, make sure to enable RLS for all created tables in the Supabase dashboard.

6. Connect Supabase storage for file uploads

To enable file uploads (e.g. for user avatars or organization logos), you need to connect a storage bucket. For this, you can use the Supabase storage feature.

Go to the Storage tab in the Supabase dashboard and click the Create bucket button.

Name the bucket avatars as this is the default name used by supastarter. You can also change the bucket name for avatars in the config/index.ts file.

Make sure to deactivate the Public bucket switch, as you don't want to expose your files to the public. The access control is managed at the API level of your application.

Optionally, you can also define a maximum file size and restrict the file types for this bucket.

Supabase storage bucket

Now, you need to get the credentials for the supabase storage service. Navigate to Project settings from the sidebar and select the Storage tab. Scroll down to the S3 access keys section and click the New access key button.

Enter a description for your access key, so you can identify it later. After clicking Create access key, you will be able to copy the Access key ID and Secret access key.

Supabase storage access key

Add the following environment variables to your .env.local file and replace the placeholder values with your own values:


6. Run development server

Now you should be able to start the development server by running the following command in the project root. This command will also run the generate command for the prisma client.

pnpm dev

If you want to manually generate the prisma client, you can run the following command:

pnpm --filter database generate

That's all it takes to set up supastarter with Supabase! If you have questions, feedback or feature requests, feel free to reach out to us on Twitter or on the supastarter Discord server.

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