supastarter for SvelteKitAuthentication

Super Admin & Admin UI

supastarter comes with an admin role and a UI for managing users out of the box. The only thing you need to do is to create a new user and assign it the admin role.

Create a new user

You can just use the UI of your application to create a new user with email address and password or with a social login.

Assign admin role

To assign the admin role, first start Prisma Studio by running the following command in your terminal:

pnpm db:studio

A new browser window will open with Prisma Studio. Select the User table and find the user you just createed. Then, click on the role field and select ADMIN from the dropdown. Lastly hit the button saying Save 1 change to save the new role.

Assign admin role

Access the Admin UI in your application

Now, when you log in with the admin user, you will see a new item in the navigation called Admin:

Admin UI

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