For the blog feature supastarter integrates MDsvEX, a markdown / MDX processor for Svelte.
Why MDsvEX
It is a great alternative to headless CMS like Contentful or Prismic based on MDX (a more powerful version of markdown). It is free, open source and the content is located right in your repository.
Create a new blog post
To create a new blog post, create a new .mdx file in the /apps/web/content/posts
. The file name will be the url slug of the post. For example, if you want the url to be, then the file name should be my-first-post.mdx
The file will start with a frontmatter block, which is a yaml-like block that contains metadata about the post. The frontmatter block should be surrounded by three dashes (---).
The frontmatter block contains the following fields:
- title: The title of the blog post
- date: The date of the blog post
- image: The cover image of the blog post
- authorName: The name of the author of the blog post
- authorImage: The url of the image of the author of the blog post
- excerpt: A short description of the blog post that will be shown in the blog overview
- tags: A list of tags
- published: Whether the blog post should be publically listed or not (boolean)
After the frontmatter block, you can write the content of the blog post in MDX: