Trusted by 400+ developers and founders

The best starter kit to build a
scalable and production-ready SaaS

Save endless hours of development time and focus on what's important for your customers with our SaaS starter kits for Next.js 14 and Nuxt 3.Start building

SaaS starter kits

A starter kit gives you a production-ready SaaS app setup with all the common features like auth, i18n, billing, mail templates and much more.

  • Next 14 (app router)
  • Multiple authentication methods + social logins
  • Internationalization (i18n)
  • Billing and subscription management
  • Landing page
  • Blog
  • Fully customizable
  • Saves you 40+ hours
  • Lifetime access to updates
View demo →
  • Nuxt 3
  • Multiple authentication methods + social logins
  • Internationalization (i18n)
  • Billing and subscription management
  • Landing page
  • Blog
  • Fully customizable
  • Saves you 40+ hours
  • Lifetime access to updates
View demo →

Everything you need to launch your SaaS in no time

supastarter provides you with all the common functionality and tools you need to build a SaaS, so you can focus on your core business.

🔐 Authentication

Full authencation flow including email/password, magic link and social login. All components are ready to use and fully customizable.

💸 Payments

Billing your customers with subscriptions is easy. supastarter comes with Lemonsqueezy and Stripe integrations.

🏢 Multi-tenancy

Built for multi-tenancy and with a ready-to-use team and user management, which you can also easily deactivate if you don't need it.

👨🏼‍💻 Super Admin

A admin panel is included, which allows you to manage all users and teams.

👤 User impersonation

Impersonate your users to help them with their issues.

📋 SaaS onboarding flow

Collect additional information from your users during the onboarding process and let them create their first team.

🤖 AI

Includes a ready-to-use AI integration based on Vercels AI SDK.

🌍 Internationalization

To make your app accessible to everyone, internationalization support is included out of the box.

🖥️ SaaS Landing Page

A beautiful landing page with features, pricing and newsletter signup is included.

📰 SaaS Blog

A multi-language MDX-based blog is included to keep your customers up to date with the latest news.

📚 SaaS Documentation

A multi-language MDX-based documentation is included to help your customers to get started with your app.

📜 SaaS Legal Pages

Multi-language placeholder pages for privacy policy and terms of service are included.

📊 Analytics

Analytics with your favorite provider are included to track your users and their behavior.

📧 Newsletter signup

A newsletter signup component is included to collect emails from potential customers.

🎨 Customizable UI

Your SaaS app is fully customizable and you can easily change the styling to match your brand.

🌙 Dark mode

A dark mode is included and all components are ready to use in dark mode.

💅🏼 shadcn/ui compatible

Built on top of Tailwind CSS and Radix UI, supastarter is fully compatible with shadcn/ui for super fast UI development.

🗃️ Storage providers

Integrations for Supabase storage and S3-compatible services for file uploads.

📱 Mobile-friendly

The UI is fully responsive and mobile-friendly.

🔒 Fully type-safe

From the API to the frontend, everything is type-safe and gives you a great developer experience.

📧 Custom emails

supastarter integrates react-email to allow you to built your email templates with React and customize them to your needs.


Utilizing trpc, supastarter provides you with a flexible and scalable API layer that can be easily extended.

☁️ Fully serverless stack

Built with serverless functions, you don't have to worry about managing or scaling your backend.

💽 Choose your DB

Thanks to the power of Prisma, you can use Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB and more.

⌨️ CLI

Our CLI helps you to set up your project in seconds.

📚 Extensive documentation

We provide you with an extensive documentation to help you build your SaaS with supastarter.

💬 Discord community

After purchase you get access to our exlusive discord for support and feedback.

I built supastarter to help indie hackers and developers to build their SaaS with a solid stack in no time. It's goal is to save you valuable time and provide you with all the common functionality a SaaS needs, so you can focus on your core business.

No matter if it's a small project or a SaaS for millions of users, supastarter and it's stack allows you to build your next project in no time.

Read more on the blog →
Jonathan Wilke

Jonathan Wilke

Creator of supastarter

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