SaaS starter kits

A starter kit gives you a production-ready SaaS app setup with all the common features like auth, i18n, billing, mail templates and much more.

Next.js SaaS starter kit

Next 14 (app router), lucia-auth, Prisma, trpc, next-intl, multiple payment integrations (lemonsqueezy or stripe), a blog, a landing page and more!

Nuxt SaaS starter kit

Nuxt 3, lucia-auth, Prisma, trpc, nuxt/i18n, multiple payment integrations (lemonsqueezy or stripe), a blog, a landing page and more!

Everything you need to launch your SaaS in no time

supastarter provides you with all the common functionality and tools you need to build a SaaS, so you can focus on your core business.

🔐 Authentication

Full authencation flow including email/password, magic link and social login. All components are ready to use and fully customizable.

💸 Payments

Billing your customers with subscriptions is easy. supastarter comes with Lemonsqueezy and Stripe integrations.

🏢 Multi-tenancy

Built for multi-tenancy and with a ready-to-use team and user management, which you can also easily deactivate if you don't need it.

👨🏼‍💻 Super Admin

A admin panel is included, which allows you to manage all users and teams.

👤 User impersonation

Impersonate your users to help them with their issues.

📋 SaaS onboarding flow

Collect additional information from your users during the onboarding process and let them create their first team.

🤖 AI

Includes a ready-to-use AI integration based on Vercels AI SDK.

🌍 Internationalization

To make your app accessible to everyone, internationalization support is included out of the box.

🖥️ SaaS Landing Page

A beautiful landing page with features, pricing and newsletter signup is included.

📰 SaaS Blog

A multi-language MDX-based blog is included to keep your customers up to date with the latest news.

📚 SaaS Documentation

A multi-language MDX-based documentation is included to help your customers to get started with your app.

📜 SaaS Legal Pages

Multi-language placeholder pages for privacy policy and terms of service are included.

📊 Analytics

Analytics with your favorite provider are included to track your users and their behavior.

📧 Newsletter signup

A newsletter signup component is included to collect emails from potential customers.

🎨 Customizable UI

Your SaaS app is fully customizable and you can easily change the styling to match your brand.

🌙 Dark mode

A dark mode is included and all components are ready to use in dark mode.

💅🏼 shadcn/ui compatible

Built on top of Tailwind CSS and Radix UI, supastarter is fully compatible with shadcn/ui for super fast UI development.

🗃️ Storage providers

Integrations for Supabase storage and S3-compatible services for file uploads.

📱 Mobile-friendly

The UI is fully responsive and mobile-friendly.

🔒 Fully type-safe

From the API to the frontend, everything is type-safe and gives you a great developer experience.

📧 Custom emails

supastarter integrates react-email to allow you to built your email templates with React and customize them to your needs.


Utilizing trpc, supastarter provides you with a flexible and scalable API layer that can be easily extended.

☁️ Fully serverless stack

Built with serverless functions, you don't have to worry about managing or scaling your backend.

💽 Choose your DB

Thanks to the power of Prisma, you can use Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB and more.

⌨️ CLI

Our CLI helps you to set up your project in seconds.

📚 Extensive documentation

We provide you with an extensive documentation to help you build your SaaS with supastarter.

💬 Discord community

After purchase you get access to our exlusive discord for support and feedback.